Monday, August 11, 2014

Genie, you're free.

Dear Joe,

As I am sure you know Robin Williams died today. 
Of Suicide.

I can't tell you how upset this makes me feel; even though I didn't personally know him. 

But I think it is more of the pain and isolation he must have been feeling all this time that finally did him in.
It's so sad. Even the strongest mind can't overcome sometimes....

Depression is a very ugly battle.
I should know.
I've lost precious friends and family members to this, and almost myself.

I remember being told that he suffered from Alcoholism, Depression, and Drug Addiction but could never understand how someone so seemingly happy, funny, and charismatic could be depressed?!
Boggles the mind.

But I guess having to live your life "on stage" 24/7 can get tiresome and at some point you need to take a break and relax. I think he felt that he had to keep "In Character" all the time. That would be too much pressure for me or anyone to deal with.

I am shocked at Robin Williams death..

Someone who can make people so happy and wonderful is lacking in his own personal life. In these times of bankers leaping out of high rise windows, men and women who as others look at their lives think they have every thing you should ever want but the inner person is dying alone, feeling left out of this world. And when millions love him and still takes his own life because anything is better than living the life they live now.. this speaks of severe pain and anguish. Something most people will never know.
Those are the lucky ones.

 RIP to a beloved man who made every one laugh and brought life to others when the light he felt inside him never glowed.

It was more than I could take so I signed off Facebook and Twitter, had a good cry (this just hit too close to home), and came to blog a little and find some peace.

My hope is that Robin has finally found his.

I miss you.
