Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Fearless Ambitions

Dear Joe,

So you probably noticed a long absence in between postings, of at least a few years.
I had to step away from "writing to you" because I needed some more time to heal.

I noticed that I really wasn't getting any relief from letting my thoughts and feelings out; I needed to give my heart a break.

With me being as relentless as I am on myself, it had to happen. But I am back now, and I tried reading through old posts... Not gonna lie, it was some of the saddest stuff I have ever read.

It scared the shit out of me.

Normally one would delete it all and pretend it never happened, but that is not going to happen here.

Maybe someone out there needs to know they aren't alone in this, someone who is or has gone through the exact same situations or something close to it.

I hope like hell no one thinks I am a source of inspiration or advice because its obvious I am still hanging onto the past when I should have moved on by now.

Love has no timeline, I know that much.

It is my hope that someday soon, I can finally let go, move on, and live my life without being scared of making new memories.

Avoiding the old has become a profession of mine, some days are worse than others... but I'll keep trying because I know that is what you yourself would do.

I still miss you.

All day. Everyday.

Love, "Jill"