Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

Dear Joe,

Today I went to clean up and place flowers at my Aunt & Uncles grave at the cemetery where they are buried at. 

My uncle served in the Army so naturally he is located in the Military section, and my aunt was buried there with him too under a very special circumstance.
One that I won't air on the Internet.

Anyway, of course the whole area was covered in flags, red white and blue flowers, decorations, etc.

I thought of you. Because of your military background, and extremely thankful that you got to come home alive from it all.

That someone wasn't visiting you today the way I was visiting my family.

On the way home... A car with an Oregon sticker on the back was in front of me almost the whole way.

It was an interesting day. This time at 11:11, I thanked God that you made it out of the military safe.

Just wanted to share that.


Sunday, May 26, 2013


No truer words have been spoken. No truer pain has been felt by the ones who have walked out or have been left behind.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Totally You!

Dear Joe,

I saw this on my FB feed this morning and it just screamed YOU.

And of course "Pirates of the Caribbean"

I'm sitting in my Orientation (day 1 of 2) and so far I've cried and damn near passed out... Some of these videos I just can't handle lol.

I will have to tell you about them later.
I hope you are doing well.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday and You

Dear Joe,

Looks like I get to start off my day with a wish :)


Sunday, May 19, 2013

3:33 Dream

Dear Joe,

I had the most random dream about you (sort of) last night.

I don't know why I was in a plane (Cessna) or where I was going, but at one point I noticed that the clock on the dash board read 3:33 so at that time I did what I always do and made a wish for you.

Just thought I would share that.


Monday, May 13, 2013

More Reminders...


New Beginnings

Welcome to my new life... Now the government owns my ass too

Though its nice to know that I'm not for sale

That didn't translate well...


Sunday, May 12, 2013


Dear Joe,
You don’t know how many nights I begged you to stay.
And still do.

I still love you.
Love, “Jill”

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

No Reason

Sharing this surfing banana for no real reason today... In a goofy mood I guess


Friday, May 3, 2013

Dear Joe,

I'm sitting in the San Jose Airport bored as hell, saw this pic, thought of you.

At least you appreciate the humor... Everyone around me just rolls their eyes at it.
