Saturday, May 9, 2015

Messages in a Bottle

I wrote that letter to you sitting at the Italian restaurant that you took me on our first date; ordered the very same lasagna, the very same iced tea.

I had the place practically to myself and sat there wishing that you were there with me, while hoping I could just have the place to myself.

The few minutes I did steal, I used to write out this letter which will never got to you as I couldn't bring myself to send it..

Someday, I hope you finally receive it no matter how it gets to you.

Dinner wasn't the same without you, that place didn't feel the same either.

I'm not sure you know how much you had impacted my life, the places we went are now places I just cant go anymore. The memories attached are too painful to face.

I'm scared that if I went to those places with someone else, I would probably hate every minute of it.

I have tried so very hard to forget and let go because these things only serve to hurt me, and I find it just ridiculous that I can forget everything else! But not these memories.

Maybe I'm not ready to... maybe I never will.

Love, "Jill"

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