Sunday, June 30, 2013


Dear Joe,

Apparently this is a real thing.. Which I'm sure you have already known about and probably done before.

Since I live under a rock, I thought I would share anyway.


Friday, June 28, 2013

Hit the deck

Friday... Such a great day to make a trip to the ER. That is precisely what happened today. 

I was admitted due to exhaustion and dehydration. 
I just so happened to fall over right in the middle of having a discussion with my supervisor. 

Such a touching moment that I hope to never relive ever again.
Just days before I was wondering to myself what the patient care level is at the VA. Guess I need to monitor my thoughts there!

After an hour of tests, poking & prodding, they finally were able to locate a vein and administer 4000 ml's of Sodium Chloride
(IV Gatorade).
So 4 I.V. Bags of fluids were given to me. Jesus.. get greedy why don't I?

Then my vital signs started to resume to normal. This ordeal started at 7am and lasted until 3:20pm. 

Seriously I hope this doesn't happen again. For something that is seemingly harmless, that was some scary sh*t.
It didn't help that the nurses kept telling me I was lucky I didn't have a heart attack... Way to calm a patient down.

Home now, less an I.V., and just wrecked.

Looks like a lazy weekend for me.
Oh darn

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Today I cried

Today I cried. For soo many reasons.

1) A bone marrow biopsy to rule out cancer.
Lately I have been extremely exhausted, running fevers at random, and unexplained bruising all over my body that people are asking if I need help. Like I'm being abused or something.
Let me just tell you of the horrors of that test... You are WIDE AWAKE while they take a giant needle that looks like the doodad you use to patch up a car tire, and they drive it into the backside if your hip bone. You feel the pressure, the cracking/crunching of your iliac bone, and Yes... The Pain.
They "numb" the general area but guess what... You still feel it!
They won't knock you out for it.. I asked/begged for that and was denied.

2) The waiting for an answer and panic in the possibility of cancer again.

3) Came home to find a fawn crying out for its mother who apparently abandoned it; and while I didn't give a damn about falling into the creek bed, I was very upset that I couldn't catch the baby to foster it. To protect it from predators, but was more upset at the seemingly deadbeat mother who left it behind. It looked to be only a few weeks old at most.

4) The sadness felt over missing someone I love (You). Wondering where life went wrong there.

So after my physical and emotional breakdown (much needed), I got a call letting me know that cancer was ruled out (Thank You God), but I'm not out of the woods yet...
But at least it's not the "Big C"

Then I caught a Blue Jay eating out of the cat food bowl which brought a smile to my face

The best was when I walked back outside to find that not only the little fawn was still there but that its sibling and its mother all found each other.

Normally I'm not so emotionally fractious, but today had just been sh*t mostly... Pain meds make me nuts so that didn't help either.

Going to bed now. While all is right in my world.

I love you.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

15 year anniversary

Dear Joe,

Today I'm home after getting a huge needle driven into my iliac (bone marrow biopsy) and just discovered that there is a Sex and the City marathon on tv today :)

It is the 15th anniversary of the show. Guess I picked a good day to be off work.

I have been looking like I've been going 10 rounds with Mike Tyson lately, bruises on me everywhere with no clear explanation as to why. The first diagnosis was leukemia, but wanted a definite answer before getting treated.
Now the hard part comes... The wait *ugh*

BUT I can convalesce while watching my favorite show :)
Thank you again for that DVD collection.
I watch it frequently.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Boat People

Dear Joe,

A friend of mine and her husband bought a sailboat just recently. Apparently they both had laden dreams to live the "pirate life" and just did it one day.

Of course, I thought of you, the almost Viking funeral, and your moms declaration to you that your family isn't "boat people"... I still to this day crack up at the thought of that. Don't know why.

Anyway, they posted a funny sailing pic on FB

in return, I sent them this one...

I knew you would approve.

They invited me out for a day of sailing on the bay but I declined, rapidly lol.
I'm best on dry land.. even my surfboard throws me for a loop but at least I'm closer to shore on it than in a boat.

I hope you are doing well. I miss you.
