Friday, June 28, 2013

Hit the deck

Friday... Such a great day to make a trip to the ER. That is precisely what happened today. 

I was admitted due to exhaustion and dehydration. 
I just so happened to fall over right in the middle of having a discussion with my supervisor. 

Such a touching moment that I hope to never relive ever again.
Just days before I was wondering to myself what the patient care level is at the VA. Guess I need to monitor my thoughts there!

After an hour of tests, poking & prodding, they finally were able to locate a vein and administer 4000 ml's of Sodium Chloride
(IV Gatorade).
So 4 I.V. Bags of fluids were given to me. Jesus.. get greedy why don't I?

Then my vital signs started to resume to normal. This ordeal started at 7am and lasted until 3:20pm. 

Seriously I hope this doesn't happen again. For something that is seemingly harmless, that was some scary sh*t.
It didn't help that the nurses kept telling me I was lucky I didn't have a heart attack... Way to calm a patient down.

Home now, less an I.V., and just wrecked.

Looks like a lazy weekend for me.
Oh darn

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