Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sharp Pains

Dear Joe,

While going through boxes last weekend, I found a hat that I had got for you a while back. I meant to send it out and never did. I don't know why that was, maybe I wanted to hang onto it a little longer.. No idea.

This morning I had decided to part with it and send it on to you so there will be a box coming for you any day now.

Earlier today at work, at a most random time I was reminded of you. Almost to the point I couldn't breathe.
And if anyone was to find this funny, it would be YOU.

The 6 Star Wars Movie Marathon I had participated in with you did come in handy today as there was a discussion as to the origins of a particular quote that was used and who had said it.

Well it was the line "This had better work!" in which if memory (laughable) serves me correctly the Tarkin guy said that to Darth Vader? At least that is what I had said in correction to it being cited as Darth Vader saying it.

I'm fairly certain that someone is going to correct me tomorrow when I get to work, but at that moment, I got a sharp pain from a memory of you. Star Wars... How could I not be reminded??

So for the rest of the afternoon spent in the lab, I had to listen to 3 engineering geeks duke it out as to which Star Wars movie was the best and everything in between.

It was a bittersweet day as I do remember SOME of those movies... and that we spent the day in your living room watching all 6.
Too bad Life didn't have a rewind button... I would have done it all over again.


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