Thursday, February 13, 2014

Silence of the Cows

Oh I am not even kidding about this post.

The universe and my co-workers have a sick sense of "holiday humor". I may have to punk them later...

So the company I work for does Medical Device testing and needed actual blood to run the study. Seeing as ritual blood-letting has been a long abandoned practice and murder is illegal, they have to acquire this biological substance at a slaughterhouse. Dear God in Heaven.... I HATE those places.
I had to do a internship there during college for my Animal Science Degree and it SUCKED. I cried on an hourly basis, threw up, and felt like I should just throw myself into oncoming traffic for witnessing the horror's that those poor animals were going through.

Not only was I having to pay a visit to this "livestock death camp", I had to transport the "byproducts" IN MY OWN CAR.
What the effing F*CK?!

It is a tad late for a "hazing" here at my job. But Really?!... omfg

The truly laughable part is that we are required to clearly label the buckets of blood in case you get into an accident during transport. It is for the city to know how to properly clean and dispose of any "waste" that may end up on the highway/road you are on. Who gives a crap if it gets all over you or your car?...
I'd be more concerned about the possibility of the interior of my car looking like a murder scene.

Yeah well, I wasn't about to take that chance... I bagged that bucket 4 individual times while zip tieing it to death (no pun intended). So disgusting.
No to mention that not only do the employees of the slaughterhouse bring you your bucket of blood, it's all steamy and chit so you know it was a recent kill. *Faints*

So then I have to whip out a huge 20cc syringe and put in Heparin to stop the blood from clotting so that it can be used on our medical devices.
Oh and I have to use a ginormous spoon to stir the anticoagulant in. Someone must hate me. I'm convinced.

Never Ever again.

I was seriously waiting to see "Hannibal Lecter"... and to be greeted with the famous line :

"Hello Clarice"... I think I may have heard that in the distance while trying to block out the moo'ing cows.

So damn depressing. I think am going to take a shower and cry myself to sleep tonight. I hate this part of my job.

My weekend escape can't come soon enough!


Monday, February 10, 2014

Home Break

Last weekend was my weekend to work so I packed up my board and took it to work with me.

I'm 20 minutes away (depending on traffic) from the beach and it was an amazing day so I couldn't pass it up :)

Had to grab some supplies at the shop... Some of these brands just crack me up

and stickers... Love me some stickers!

Then I turn the corner to see this little gem. What the hell?

Got to love my home town.


P.S. I Love You

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Dear Joe,

This was my day today. While stuck in senseless meetings which impeded my ability to get my work done.

I know is taboo to blog about your work/job so I will just leave it at that. Though there is sooo much more I could write about. Exorcist-worthy material.

It's truly sad, but not for long ;)

(this is a sheep in case you were wondering)

Apparently when I am less than amused, I like to draw barnyard animals with thought bubbles above their heads.

However with the day I had today, I had to practice A LOT of restraint. Or there would have been a whole farm represented on that page giving various "hand/hoof" gestures and screaming obscenities.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Might have to bring in an easel and some oil pastels.



Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Kambuchuchuchucha Tea (Portlandia Reference)

Dear Joe,

After much contemplation and advice from friends and über fit people, I have been adopted a healthier diet and lifestyle.

So much so that most everything is organic, non GMO, and almost totally vegetarian. 
Don't worry... I still enjoy a good burger or chicken breast from time to time.
It wasn't my goal but ended up that way. And I'm feeling pretty good these days :)

My latest obsession is Kombucha Tea. Oh where to start?!.... Yeah they look kind of weird. Some have chia seeds in them (great source if omega-3's and fiber), and if you aren't into "bitter" teas these "bite back".

*my favorite*

Though I do have my limits and there is one flavor that just pushed it.
The Green Chia.

I'm all for trying new things, and I did try this one but will never ever drink it again.

It is made with Blue Green Algae. YES ALGAE.
I don't care how good for you it is, I'm not consuming that crap again.

Can't believe I paid money for a bottle when I could have licked a dirty fish tank for free.

Today I tried a new flavor "Trilogy". It's OK. I'm not into Ginger all that much unless its Gingerbread or Ginger Snap cookies. Both of which are banned from my stomach :/ *sigh*

Haha.. I think I found out why I like these so much... Contains trace amount of alcohol *jk*

Though to be truthful, I did shake the bottle before I drank it.

Then I spotted this...

Dang! Apparently it's edible


I miss you.


Monday, February 3, 2014

Best. Update. Ever.

Dear Joe,

This just totally made my day...

Poor Katie (FB friend).... She has days like this all too often.

SO GLAD I'm not her.

This is something that would happen to me... Totally.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Varuca Salt


This has been my life's "Mantra" and I wouldn't have it any other way.


I need this in a bumper sticker

This made me laugh. I had to share.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

And the Mom of the Year Award goes to...

Sweet Jesus! and O.M.G.

My dear friend Julie got her son a hilarious birthday cake for his 17th year on earth. It's truly a miracle he is still alive actually... You would get the reference if you knew them ;)

Julie is one very unconventional mother that is for sure... but she has been blessed with some crazy kids that totally get her, so this is so very expected in their household...

Though her mother (the grandmother) is not amused.
Cant imagine why!.... yet I can't stop giggling and wishing that Julie was my mom too

Behold! The Cake

*Note: This was misspelled. They left out the "T" as it was to say Fapidextrous"*
God I love this family

Though THE BEST one (IMO) was for his 15th birthday which Julie gladly tagged me in this lovely pic..

*How I ADORE Hello Kitty!*

STILL laughing about that one

I think I found this years Cover Photo ;)

But most likely not
