Saturday, February 1, 2014

And the Mom of the Year Award goes to...

Sweet Jesus! and O.M.G.

My dear friend Julie got her son a hilarious birthday cake for his 17th year on earth. It's truly a miracle he is still alive actually... You would get the reference if you knew them ;)

Julie is one very unconventional mother that is for sure... but she has been blessed with some crazy kids that totally get her, so this is so very expected in their household...

Though her mother (the grandmother) is not amused.
Cant imagine why!.... yet I can't stop giggling and wishing that Julie was my mom too

Behold! The Cake

*Note: This was misspelled. They left out the "T" as it was to say Fapidextrous"*
God I love this family

Though THE BEST one (IMO) was for his 15th birthday which Julie gladly tagged me in this lovely pic..

*How I ADORE Hello Kitty!*

STILL laughing about that one

I think I found this years Cover Photo ;)

But most likely not


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