Monday, January 27, 2014

Mother Effing Monday

After an epically bad day at work today (full of me complaining non stop to myself), I found out at the end of my shift that one of my coworkers experienced a death in his family.

An apparent suicide. His baby brother took his own life by putting a gun to his head and ending his life as we knew it.

Well OK... he wins the "Shittiest Day Award" today.
Concerned and worried for my coworker, I made my way over to the Hallmark store for a sympathy card and some stationery.

This is where it got good.

After driving myself nuts trying to find just the right card, I was in need of some stationery too. I need to write someone who made an incredible impact in my life a very heartfelt letter filled with some pretty important shit. So this was important to me that I get something nice to write it on.

You don't email what I need to convey and it really meansomething.

Here is the ridiculous exchange between myself and the Assistant Store Manager at Hallmark

Me: Excuse me, where can I find stationery?

Clerk: When you say Stationery.... what are you referring to?

Me: *dies a little inside* Like "Pretty Paper" to write on.

Clerk: We don't carry that here.

Me: *Completely Dumbfounded*
Hallmark.... Seriously?!

After all that, I decided on some really nice blank note cards. I couldn't take it anymore.
Pretty paper to write on.
and a stationery store that doesn't carry that... What is the world coming to??

And it wasn't like the manager was a teenager who, lets face it, paper to them are what dinosaurs are to us with all this technology.
She looked to be old enough to have survived throughout the "Carrier Pigeon" days if you know what I'm sayin...

As I am walking out of the store giggling out of frustration, my friend who was on the other end of the phone hearing this whole mind numbing conversation told me to channel "Kwan Yin".

For those that aren't familiar with who that is, she is the Asian equivalent of the Virgin Mary.

I told her I'd rather channel Bruce Lee.

I hope you are doing well and I think of you always.


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