Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Little Surprises

Dear Joe,

While taking a Belly Dancing class (I know..)  with a friend of mine I found within the shop this little necklace for which I had to chuckle and take a photo. 

Of course, I was asked about my reaction to where I told the story of that fated evening once more. Everyone got a kick out of it. Though that is not something I wish to recreate ever again. LOL

A friend of mine keeps on trying to get me to come for dinner on his boat out in Emeryville and I keep refusing. His wife tries to bribe me with all sorts of yummy food but I won't go... I think I'm slightly scarred for life?
I'll probably cave at some point but this is also the very same person who got thrown from his boat in the bay (covered in an earlier blog post) so I think this is the source of the deterrent at this point.

Guess I will need to face that fear sooner or later.

I'd like to bank on later.... Much later.

Though should it be offered to dress like a pirate (this is the reason they live on a boat... Dont ask), I might have to show up. 
With a parrot hahaha!

On an unrelated note....

Check this out! These are my own nails. Usually I would be in the nail salon every 2 weeks but since I am no longer stressing out to the point of chewing my nails to the knuckle, they finally grew out.

Stupid to get so dang excited over something so basic as this, but I knew you would understand why this was kind of a big deal to me.
It gets to the point that I am frequently having to cut my nails because they get long quickly. 
It is a trip!

Ok Random outbursts are over.

Hope you are doing well and Happy 2014!


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