Friday, January 17, 2014

Party Pooper

Well OK... Not only is it freakin WINDY here in Raleigh, apparently there is a statewide toilet paper shortage.

Thank goodness I have some real snazzy tissues in my purse to save me from certain embarrassment.
Though it did feel a tad strange knowing I was wiping myself with the Queen's face.

However, the more priceless move on my part was using my $100.00 bill tissues to blow my nose into, then of course disposing of said tissue into the trash.

Enter the next person waiting in line to use the latrine. 

About 10 minutes later I hear the aftermath of the result of someone who grabbed my "snot rag" thinking it was actual currency.
Guess I should have flushed that too. Oops. My bad.

On the other hand, if the toilet in convention hall could talk, I doubt it would have anything nice to say at this juncture.
*yep... still sick*

I don't know why but this ordeal reminded me of this little diddy that was posted on YouTube a while back that makes me laugh Every. Single. Time.

I hope you are doing well.

I on the other hand, am being ravished by a virus.
And want to die. Still.


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