Saturday, January 25, 2014

What will they think of next?

Dear Joe,

It has been over a week and I am still not over the loss of my friend Eddy. His funeral was yesterday and it was beautiful.
I have never seen a service where everyone was to wear all white, it serves to symbolically "lift" the spirit/soul of the deceased up to heaven, where dark colors are believed to drag it down.

Interesting tradition.

His partner had made a video compilation of Eddy's life where I was completely caught off guard with seeing the one photo that Eddy took of he and I last year. I never got the photo from him after it was taken, though in the days after his death, I thought about it a lot.

I was grateful that Clayton had added it into the video. And I am waiting for things to calm down, and will ask to have a copy of that photo sent to me.

However.... there has been one thing that no matter how bad of a day I am having, this youtube commercial always gets me laughing.
And Dear God, it IS an actual product.

I wonder exactly how many takes they went through before they got it just right.
Though if you look closely, the "boyfriend" in the commercial is about to lose it.
It's amazing.

I hope you are well.


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