Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Flying the Unfriendly Skies

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Well not really. More like a 747 headed to one of the World's largest Research Parks: Research Park Triangle.

Strange name if you ask me.

Their roster of research companies is quite impressive actually. And I along with my former boss (circa 2001) asked if I would accompany her to give a presentation of a compound we worked on for 3.5 years at our now defunct company.
I co-authored a paper that we presented at the Society of Neurscience in 2004 where we ALMOST got to filing an IND (Investigational New Drug) but our CEO & CFO misappropriated the company's funds so the business went under.


Yay for 2 reasons: I get to see my old boss who to me is the closest to GOD I will ever get. She was really the one person who mentored me the most and pushed me towards higher goals.
The other is getting to go on a trip!

The craptastic side?.... I'm still sick to my stomach. I still want to die. And I just might.
Has anyone aside from a chronic bulimia patient ever died from vomiting to death?
How is it I dont know the answer to that

Tonight we are on a Red Eye flight outta here for a couple of  days... Coming back home at 4am.
Who books these flights?!.... I am going to be a wreck.

If anyone out there could offer up a prayer of healing for me to get through this trip without getting sick in front of my peers, I would be SO Grateful.
Or at the very least hold my hair back while I do my thing...


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