Friday, January 10, 2014

Death Becomes Her

Holy Crap I want to die.... I feel like week old Road Kill.

It is past midnight and I have not had any sleep. Between the constant sneezing and coughing, it would be impossible.

Damn plague spreaders. I happen to get REALLY irritable and cranky when I am sick. I could literally break a few laws right now and feel no remorse. That is how pissed I am.
I HATE being sick.

My floor has a protective coating of tissues from all the sneezing, gallons of Gatorade to prevent dehydration for which I am highly susceptible, and a plethora of cough & cold medications.

My room may need to be treated like a BSL 4 containment area and burned down. Seriously.

Tomorrow at work ought to be interesting. I'm actually quite nervous as I am scheduled to do the closing surgeries while feeling like crap. I may have to have someone else do it. Which will piss me off of course.
I adore my OR time.

All of this could have been avoided if someone (Boss *cough* Boss) didn't come into work while she was sick.
Yes, I am going to hold a grudge for a while... She is a vector of disease and should be treated as such.
I could go on... and get a whole lot meaner, so I will stop right here.

I need sleep.... I need something to knock my ass OUT like NOW.
And I have 2 parties to go to tomorrow. Of course I will have to cancel on one of them and make a short appearance to the other (Birthday). Not looking forward to this :(

TGIF... though this weekend I suspect will be chalk filled with more of the same :/
I just want to die now.


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