Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Unexpected Loss

Dear Joe,

I lost a good friend tonight. He was just 38 years old. He left behind his partner, his parents, and 2 cats.
I am numb and in a state of complete shock.

I JUST SAW him. He seemed totally fine. I know that these kinds of things happen... but it's never been someone I knew. Never that sudden.

Apparently he has a family history of Heart Attacks on his fathers side of the family; which is what took his life earlier today. It was truly sad seeing the status update from his partner Clay for prayers, as they were at the hospital trying to figure out what was happening to Eddie.

Sadly, Eddie didn't make it.

His mother was kind enough to post a status update on Facebook letting us know that her son passed away from a massive heart attack.
I and a few hundred (no exaggeration there) others are in a total state of shock, grief, and disbelief.

The real tragedy aside from his young age, is that his mother outlived him.
Seeing as I have witnessed my Grandmother having to bury some of her own children, I can only imagine what Eddy's mom is going through.

My heart just hurts for her.

I don't know why I am sharing this... Maybe I just need an outlet other than talking on the phone. I have done enough of that tonight, and I would be surprised if I have a voice left in the morning.
From all the crying and phone calls, I should be quite hoarse by now.

I never did do well with loss.
Looks like some things never change.

I hope you are doing well. And that good health finds you.

Love Always,

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