Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Dear Joe,

This was my day today. While stuck in senseless meetings which impeded my ability to get my work done.

I know is taboo to blog about your work/job so I will just leave it at that. Though there is sooo much more I could write about. Exorcist-worthy material.

It's truly sad, but not for long ;)

(this is a sheep in case you were wondering)

Apparently when I am less than amused, I like to draw barnyard animals with thought bubbles above their heads.

However with the day I had today, I had to practice A LOT of restraint. Or there would have been a whole farm represented on that page giving various "hand/hoof" gestures and screaming obscenities.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Might have to bring in an easel and some oil pastels.



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