Tuesday, September 24, 2013

One Crazy Day

Dear Joe,

Not entirely sure what is going on with the previous post (the white background, etc.) so I'm hoping that this one turns out as it is supposed to.

Last night I couldn't sleep so I decided to read back through this whole blog. WOW is all I can say.

And yet there is still more to come I am sure.
Today was draining... Both good and bad.
I left the VA to pursue my ultimate passion, that being Surgery. I found a job right in town (15 minutes down the street) that will allow me to perform and learn new surgical skills, so Im pretty stoked about that.

The downside is the pay... Very low but I am managing. And for each new procedure I learn that can be used, I get a raise. Win Win

I've actually met someone that had worked at 2 other places that I had as well years back. So it's nice to have a somewhat "built in" friend at work but it didn't take me long at all to make new friends there anyway.

Now adding them on Facebook.... that's a different story!

I don't have anything earth shattering to report... Just wanted to stop by and blog to you for a moment to tell you that I was thinking about you and that you are missed.

And to pass on the latest in "Pick Up Lines" ...
According to Cosmopolitan Magazine, there IS someone on this planet that YES used this very line...

I'm guessing this was from a very kinky vegetarian? Perhaps he should spend a lot less time in the produce section of the grocery store.

My head is still spinning from this. I cannot believe there is actually someone out there that says this kind of crap.... Though I would LOVE to have been able to see the look on the chicks face when this line was used on her.

DAMN GLAD it wasn't me!

anyway, I hope you are doing well and I will write more soon.
There is something pretty big I wanted to tell you but I think I need a bit more time to work up the courage to write it.

Talk to you soon.

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