Thursday, September 5, 2013

Open Sesame?

"I have been looking at this photo, and quote from "Jill" for a few weeks now. I couldn't quite figure out why it wasn't resonating with me. And then it hit me... I close the doors in my condo all the time. It doesn't stop my cat. She has learned how to jump up, balance her weight against the door handle, and open the door. Nothing prevents her from going where she wants to go.

My point? Why do we have to assume that a closed door is a lost opportunity? If what is behind that door is truly important, then find a way to open it. We see a closed door, and we either obsess on it being closed, or we wander off to look for something else. But sometimes (yes, sometimes!), what is behind door number one is the grand prize, and we have to fight for it."

I sent the above pic to my friend Laura a while ago in an attempt to see what she would blog with it about. As always, she comes up with the very thing(s) that I may or have been through myself. At this time I could definitely relate to this current post.
I think my issue here is that I am very much like Laura's cat. Even though she shuts the door trying to keep her cat out, it always reopens the door. It does not "learn" that she closes it because she does not want to grant access to this place she blocks off. Whether it be something as simple as closing off a room as to not mess it up, or closing off your heart as to not get hurt…. Somehow, Some way, we try to find our way back in.
I am still in the process on learning which "doors" are worth the effort. Yet still, yours remains the one I find myself standing in front of, knocking on, hoping one day you will answer it.
The "grand prize".


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