Sunday, December 8, 2013

Disney Wishes

Dear Joe,

This past weekend I spent in Disneyland (early Birthday celebration of sorts) and I think this was one of those RARE times where I really didn't enjoy myself that much.

I did have fun, but it just wasn't the same without you. And I believe it showed.
I was asked pretty frequently if everything was OK? I lied and said Yes, but deep down inside I kept thinking how much better it would have been with you there.

How much fun we had when we went.

I made sure that "Peter Pan's Flight" wasn't the first ride I went on... Instead we all made a beeline to "Pirates of the Caribbean" then had dinner after (we got there later in the day).

I know I will have to let those memories go and make new ones, I can't not enjoy Disneyland. That is sacrilegious.
It's plain crazy to not have a good time there.

Like I said, I did have a good time but it just wasn't the same. 
Believe it or not... I didn't even take many pictures while I was there *GASP*

I will let that sink in a little. 

*of course I wished for you*

The highlight of the trip was getting the above score on the Buzz Lightyear ride. Now THAT I had to photograph for obvious reasons.
I just wished I would have caught it at 111111. Though that would have been spooky had I did.

I miss you. I know I shouldn't and I'm working on letting that part of my life go.
I would say to please be patient but seeing as this blog isn't really me writing TO you... I suspect you don't read it.
So I use it to help me get out everything I have had bottled up inside for so long, out.
But that is another blog post entirely, and another day.

OK, I'm rambling... Good Night and Sweet Dreams


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