Sunday, December 15, 2013

Star Wars Exhibit

*This was a Christmas Lawn decoration in my neighborhood this year*

Dear Joe,

Well...I just don't know where to begin with this one.

For an early Birthday gift from my sister, I got tickets to go to the Star Wars Exhibit in San Jose this year.
I am not sure as to why she did that or where she got the idea that I was a huge fan but that was in her mind when she purchased the tickets.

When I opened my card and saw what they were for, immediately I thought of you.
Of course I will go, take loads of pics, and think of you the whole time. 
I really hope that somehow you hear/know about this exhibit and get to see it. It would be a real shame if you didn't.

There is even a night that is dedicated to people dressing up in Star Wars costumes. Again, totally YOU.

In other news, I was at Costco yesterday and apparently they now have a GIANT Darth Vader Mr. Potato Head that is filled with various mini Star Wars Potato Heads inside. I saw it in a shopping cart and wanted to get one for you.
Some things never change.

I hope you are doing well and I miss you as always.


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