Thursday, May 10, 2018

Nightmares and Dreamscapes

Dear Joe,

Interestingly enough I rarely dream about people that are/were a part of my life, mostly its people that I do not know, never seen before, or people without faces.... its weird lol

Last night for the first time in a LONG time I had a dream about you, but this time I actually saw you, saw your face, you were standing next to me.

Initially I was in a kitchen in a house I assume that was yours and there was a letter on the table for me to read.

I opened it and read it, I do remember actually reading your words that said something to the effect that you had moved on, you were in a relationship that you worked hard to get, and that you were happy.

In my dream I didn't really react which was strange to me, and then when I went to leave the kitchen, you came out of nowhere with a huge smile on your face and tears in your eyes... I was confused.

Then your mom appeared and said Hello then introduced me to her new husband who in the dream was very lovely to me.

I didn't know what to make of it all. I just stood there totally confused.

Then a second later you and I are standing in a horse arena watching the gelding that I ride, run around.

Again, you were all smiles and joking with me... then you gave me a hug which I swore I felt in real life, and that is when I woke up.

It was all too realistic, yet it made NO SENSE.

Thinking back, I wish I could have stayed asleep so that I could have spent more time with you.

Maybe it will happen again.

This time I hope I speak up.

Love, "Jill"

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