Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Major Changes

Dear Joe,

Lots of changes have happened since I last wrote here.

The worst of it all is that Carl sustained a major stroke on January 3rd., had surgery to remove the clot on his brain, and will most likely be wheelchair bound for the rest of his life.

I know you both enjoyed each others company, and I damn near tried to contact you to tell you what happened... but what would that have accomplished? So I left it alone.

So I'm leaving it here.

Carl is and has been currently living in an Acute Care Facility which he is not happy about, can barely talk, has to learn how to swallow and move his arm & leg again.

He is paralyzed (at this time) on one side of his body, not to mention he lost a ton of weight so he looks like a Holocaust victim.

Its incredibly hard for me to write this without getting overly emotional, so I am going to stop here.

I wanted to let you know what happened to him... he liked you a lot.

Love, "Jill"

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