Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Firsts & Lasts

Dear Joe,

This past weekend had been pretty stressful at work (Read: SLAMMED), and Mom had been just exhausted with having to deal with some of the rather nasty hospital staff where Carl is at, so I booked a table at Salute for an early dinner for the both of us.

Ironically not 5 minutes after I confirmed my reservation, I got an email stating that they would be closing their doors for good on July 6th.

I was saddened to hear that the place that you took me to dinner at for the first time, would no longer be in business.

Yes, I had hope that one day we could revisit the place again and recreate that first night.
*Minus the boat trip*

I never told mom about why I wanted to specifically have dinner there, or the significance it holds for me. But what I did find out is that Salute is also the place that Carl had taken her before years ago for "Dinner by the Bay".

She did not immediately recognize the place, but on the way there I had described it to her from what I could remember (stop laughing *haha*) and she had questioned if it was the same place that Carl had taken her a few times in the past... We both hoped it was.

And it was.

She did not immediately recognize it upon first glance because I believe she said that they had gone there at night so I can understand why it wasn't familiar to her, but as we were leaving, she turned a corner and saw the table she and Carl used to sit at.

So now it holds special memories for the both of us.
For similar and different reasons. But good nonetheless

I grabbed a few photos while I was there.. AND I took her around the "Round-a-bout" but spared her the "European Vacation" experience
*She wouldn't get the reference*

I had the same meal as I always got there: the Lasagna.

myletterstojoe on Instagram

We will be going back later this month and taking Carl's nurse and her husband to dinner here one last time...

Please know that I think of you fondly and wish you were there with me.

Miss you.

Love, "Jill"

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