Saturday, April 6, 2013

Things in 3's

Dear Joe,

Yesterday, ironically at 3 times (am, noon, evening), I thought of you for the above obvious reasons.

Not so much on the "Dad" sticker but because of it being Oregon of course.

Sorry for not posting much lately, I have been pretty busy with finishing up a project I have going at work (creating an Aortic Dissection from a bovine aorta; bench model for Aortic Dissection), and packing up my belongings to move once again. *ugh*

I will try to sit down and write some this evening should I reach my goal of what I want to get packed and moved into storage. The really cool thing is that the storage place I have rented is located just across the street from where I live so it is pretty darn convenient :)

OK.. I gotta run. I had a moment and wanted to share those images with you and let you know that you are always thought of... especially when I see anything Oregon.

I hope you are well and talk to you soon.


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