Thursday, April 18, 2013

Intergalactic Memories

 Dear Joe,

Today I had a 3 hour long conversation with a long distance friend. God Bless his gay little butt for listening me gab for hours (literally).

We haven't spoken in a while so it was a conversation long over due. Interestingly enough... he asked about you.

Not really wanting to revisit and reopen that "wound", I reluctantly discussed things that happened from years ago catching him up to the present. It was interesting at the questions he asked tended to spark memories within that I had thought I had forgotten.
It was almost like Christmas lol ;)

I won't go into every little detail that was discussed, but the highlights were the downfall, it being my fault, what happened, etc... But also some of the good memories too of course.

What impressed the hell out of him was the story (this happens to be my all time favorite, and should you want to tell it again I would gladly listen) of your childhood and how you defeated becoming like your dad in drawing strength and to knowing better from "Star Wars".

OK.. so he totally got it. Thought that it was brilliant that a child could draw upon such a message conveyed in a movie where most adolescents would dream of being an "X Wing fighter pilot" and defeating "Darth Vader" rather than taking home the message that you have all the tools and ability to resist becoming a product of a violent upbringing by an abusive parent.

At that point, I understood and appreciated it more deeply when he described it as such. I can't say that I wasn't impressed when you had first told me the story, but I guess I have a renewed sense of "awe".

Matthew on the other hand.. I think you are his idol now.

However, if he starts to call you Obi Joe... I'm outta here. I can only handle so much of this and I shut down lol


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