Saturday, April 6, 2013

Boxed Up Memories

Dear Joe,

Today I had to start the process of packing up and moving things back into storage. I can't tell you how happy I will be when I finally figure out where I want to be for the rest of my life.

Actually I know where I would like to be, but the house is not for sale. I fear it never will be. Not that I could afford it, but if I could, I would buy it in an instant.

Anyway, while going through and consolidating some boxes I of course found memories of you inside.

A few came as a surprise as I had forgotten about the pictures taken, photo CD's I was not aware I had copies of, and a few little gifties given to me over the years.

A few things garnered a "toe curling girl squeal" complete with toe and butt cheek cramp. TMI I know... but I don't care. Just wanted to give you the full effect here.

The discovery of the Duck Feet stickers you had brought back for me was the first to cause the excitement...

YES! I found it!

and what brought me to tears... what I never knew I had/saved:

I honestly do not remember these notes given to me by you. I hate admitting that but it is true.
I thanked God that I had saved them, then proceeded to collapse into a puddle in the middle of the garage crying.

I don't need to explain as to why that happened... I know you know. But some of those tears were out of thankfullness (not sure if that is an actual word or not; it is tonight) that I had someone in my life that loved me like that.

I will say time and time again, Thank You for loving me. Unconditionally.

Tomorrow will be another day of packing, another day of moving, another trip down "memory lane".

Once again you will join me as I have pictures of you & I to move to my new "digs".

Until then, Good Night and Sweet Dreams.


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