Monday, April 15, 2013

Forgotten Valentine

Dear Joe,

After packing up my desk, I unearthed this little valentine that I had kept on my megnetic board :)

I wished I knew the year that this was given to you and I, but of course I couldn't even give it a good guess as to when that would have been.

Quite possibly when it was while you were on a deployment. Which then sparked the memory of when I dragged you everywhere to get holiday and birthday cards for your family members for you to sign and I sent out to them while you were gone.

I would be willing to bet that this was obtained around that time... could be wrong though. Either way, great memories to have.
Even better when it is a "tangible" one such as this.

I even found one of your horseshoe business cards if you can believe that. I didn't want to post a pic of it as it has too much personal info on there. Don't want to attract the "internet crazies".

anyway... had to share.


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