Monday, October 14, 2013

20 AwesomeTips

Dear Joe,

I apologize for not writing much lately... I have essentially been given the "green light" to dive into my new job which is being back on the surgical table. I prayed for my "dream job" and I pretty much got it.

The company and pay leaves a lot to be desired but I think I might have already covered all that in a previous post (?). Anyway, while there are procedures I am well versed in, I have to learn their way.

I, for the most part, am enjoying myself and getting better and better each day. For the first time in YEARS I am feeling pretty proud of myself as well as impressed. I guess that is what it is all about, self satisfaction.

As much as I would love to tell you what it is that I am doing now and where, it is frowned upon to discuss your job, coworkers, etc... on a public forum, blog. So I will have to leave you to your imagination and previous knowledge of my career to steer you in the right direction.

On a different note... I saw this article online (divergence from doing research for work) and instantly fell in love with it.
Though for me, I read it as if it was an open letter to a woman by a woman.

I swapped out the scenarios, and Yes, I thought of you.
I always do.

20 Marriage Tips

Too little too late, but I'm glad I got to read that article. Sometimes it's good to be reminded how it feels to be in the others shoes, how to love them, how to love yourself in the process.


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