Thursday, October 24, 2013


Dear Joe,

Here is something that I am sure you will find all too humorous...

While watching the 3rd Star Wars, I was a crying mess. YES, Crying.

I don't remember this when I watched those movies with you, that there were these Kangaroo-like things that people rode on in the snow.
After Googling it, they are called Tauntons. Yeah OK... I was not at all prepared for the cute noises and how seemingly sweet they were.
Yet, Luke (I think that was the character) had it coming to him when he got smacked off that animal... It was scared because it sensed or saw something threatening coming and Luke just sat there.
Then the Taunton got sacked.

This is where I was a sniveling mess. Then not too much later in the movie you see another one drop dead in the snow... I'm guessing due to hypothermia?
Yep, still sniveling.

George Lucas, WTF?! Seriously?...

Anyway, I got emotional over this.
True Story.

I thought you might get a kick out of that.

I need more kleenex.


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