Saturday, October 26, 2013

Messages from Above

Dear Joe,

After coming back from the barn today, trying to get over the loss of "Zoe" yesterday, I saw this lying on the ground outside.

At first I passed it by, but I immediately thought of "Zoe". And the belief that loved ones that are no longer here on earth, put things in your path that would get your attention. A "divine message" if you will.

I know that is a far fetched idea, but I have to believe that after all of the tears shed, for not knowing she had a cancerous growth in her heart that needed to be addressed, and guilt felt for not being there for her when she crashed... That this was a "sign" that she is happy, and knew she was loved.

Ironically if I count the hearts, they all equal the whole family.

I don't care if people think I'm crazy to think this was from her. Because I do. I have to in order to let go and be at peace with her passing.

It has only been a day and I can't expect to just move on that quickly, but things like this make it easier to let go.

Something that I still have not mastered the art of.
I am afraid I may never will.


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