Friday, October 25, 2013


Dear Joe,

Zoe died today.

I am not sure of the details, just that she collapsed at home and the folks rushed her to the vet. Her heart stopped and was pronounced "Dead" twice. Yet she came back each time.

The third time was not a charm. She had a seizure and took her last breath.

I know that out of the 3, you said she was your favorite. She needed to be someones favorite, and I just wanted to Thank You for being that person.
"Shelby" will always be mine, and I loved Zoe. I rescued her from an abused home to which she might have not lived very long.

Yet she was always the "outcast". I don't think she ever felt that she fit in sadly.

As I write this tonight, tears streaming down my face and onto my keyboard, I always thought of her when I would see the paw print magnet that says "Who Rescued Who?"
I think we rescued each other.

It has been a journey of patience, healing, and of course, Love.
Many times she tested my limits but I realize SHE was the teacher, I was the student.
Time and effort bring about great things, but it's Love that conquers all.

I just wanted to tell you she has passed. And to Thank You for choosing her as your "favorite olive."


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