Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another Reminder

Dear Joe,

Today is Ash Wednesday (a fairly important day to Catholic's). Not only did my day consist of going to church, prayer, but also went and placed flowers at my Aunt and Uncle's grave.

I know they know about you, as I believe they are always watching over me, but I had the need to tell them about what was going on in my life which consisted of me talking to them about you too. I must of looked nuts sitting there talking to a head stone but I couldn't care less.

Strangely enough when I went to drive back home, I had the radio on and your name kept being mentioned, I saw a kid on the street with a UofO sweatshirt on, and then someone told me that the winner of the Westminster Dog Show was a dog by the name of "Joe".
Not that I am calling you or think you are a dog... just to clarify.

So once again, I drove home with my head just swimming in hearing your name mentioned over and over.
I had to beg for it to stop, for which it finally did.

I got home, checked my Facebook and saw this...

this is something you would do. It was about then I broke down into tears once more and realized how blessed I was to have had you in my life, to have been loved by you.

Thank You for that. You don't know how much that means to me.

and I did Thank Him. It was one of the things I prayed for in church today... I am eternally grateful.


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