Tuesday, February 19, 2013

On the road once again...

Dear Joe,

Today my roommate decided she is going to sell her house and move into something more affordable.

So now once again, I get to go on the house hunt once more. I wish I didn't have issues living alone...
It would make things so much easier. Especially since I have until the end of April to find a place.

However waking up in the middle of the night all alone in your apartment to a gun in your face while getting robbed will make you think twice about ever being home alone again.

Scarred for life I guess.

It's not like you have been here before... but I live in a really pretty 2 story Craftsman Style home. My own bed & bathroom... its been pretty nice.

Though I have been tossing around the idea of moving just recently... more so an out of state move.

I had seen some really great jobs in Portland that I was considering, and applied to 2 of them. I don't know if I will get either one but what ever God has in store for me, I will gladly take.

I'm trying to get out of Contract Work and into something permanent. I want to settle somewhere, and just BE. Not constantly on the move or looking for another job. Seeking stability if you will.

That kind of existence in California is becoming scarce and hard to accomplish so now I have to really look at other options. It's kind of sad to say and to admit but I am pretty scared...

Scared to leave my family, my friends, the places I have known my whole life, and venture into/onto somewhere where I don't have those luxuries anymore. And of course, that would be the exact blueprint for that should Portland be where I end up.

Pathetic coming from someone my age, but its honest.

And No, you needn't worry about me contacting you if I am in Oregon. I would keep things just as they are now. I don't wish to rock the boat.

Again, I don't know why I'm telling you all this but just wanted you to know. Makes me feel better I guess.

I hope you are doing well.


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