Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Moving on up

Dear Joe,

Well I think I may have found a place (Thank God), and get to go look at it tomorrow after work. It's just across town so I dont have to move very far, but I can't stand the packing and junk that goes with it all.

My prospective roommate seems like a really cool person so we shall see.

While I liked where I live currently, the loudness of my roommate and her family when they were there were just getting to be too much to handle. I'm not one for screaming and yelling to be heard.

Her son would smoke outside all the time but the house would smell like an ashtray when he came back in, and I recently discovered that my roommate herself was quite the drinker who also indulges in pot consumption on occasion. So naturally I want to get the hell out of there.

And I am.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well and I will write to you soon.


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