Friday, February 8, 2013


Dear Joe,

It seems like lately everywhere I look, I see Oregon or Star Wars things. I am almost always behind someone with an Oregon License Plate or college stickers.
Today a person with a Storm Trooper sticker on the back of their window jumped in front of me on my commute home from work.

Of course, you immediately popped into my mind. I had also seen someone who had Star Wars figures that represented their "family" on the back of their car rather than the original "stick figure family" that started that whole trend off.
It was pretty original, but again I thought of you.

It really doesn't take much for you to come to mind... it never has. I just wanted to share this with you because I can't stop thinking about and missing you.

I thought given the amount of time that has passed, it would have gotten easier to let go but it hasn't. It is hard to admit that but it's the truth.

I miss you.


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