Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Almost Home

Dear Joe,

I don't have much to say today.. Nothing too terribly important to report aside from my surf board just about being finished and on it's way to me.

Apparently the paint job I somewhat designed (it didn't turn out exactly the way I asked for... the owner of the company wanted to take her boards in a bit of a different direction), was held onto for a little longer than thought and in the process is now the official Team Board paint job. I guess my co-creativity came in handy?

I think a few more will be churned out as a result :)

The traction pad was applied today and now all that is left are fins and a leash. Then the wait to pick it up at a lab near my house.
More waiting but it will be worth it.

Ironically, my wetsuit and booties came from Oregon Surf Shop. They have some good stuff there!

I hope you are doing well... I need to get back to packing, but thought I would take a few minutes to write to you.


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