Thursday, March 21, 2013

I prayed for you today

Dear Joe,

I stopped by my church today to drop off flowers for the chapel and of course put in my Prayer Requests.

Always thanking God for the blessings I have & had, and asking for more. For myself and others.

I don't know if you had been in the Chapel part of the church... its my favorite place to be. I go there a lot actually. It is where I feel most at peace when things just seem to go haywire. Of course I prefer to be in there alone to pray in private but there are times when others are in there as well.

Still having a hard time with that whole "sharing" thing lol... Old habits die hard I guess.

Actually come to think of it, I don't think I ever took you back to the Chapel... I remember vaguely taking you to Sunday Service to get blessed by the priest before your trip overseas (can't remember where to), and to get your St. Christopher or Michael (cant remember that either)  medal blessed by him too. But I do remember you soldering the heck out of that thing so that it didn't fall off.
Me being incredibly superstitious (still am) and all. Thanks for indulging me on that there.

At the time, the church still had actual candles at the foot of the Virgin Mary in the front of the church. The Mary has since been moved, and now the "candles" are replaced with electric ones that are located in the chapel (rear of the church).

I lit one for you, praying for your health, happiness, and safety.

I'm fairly certain that 1/3 - 1/4 of that Prayer Book is filled with my prayers alone. Not all prayers for myself of course, but I would be lying if I said I didn't pray for you because I do. All the time.

I wish I could have stayed longer today but I wanted to beat the traffic home. I was semi successful with that but got home before it became nightmarish at least.

I just wanted to share this jibber jabber with you because for some reason when I went to the chapel today, I remembered the time I brought you there just before one of your deployments. How you were gracious enough to do that for me to give me some peace of mind.

I thank God that he didn't let me down, and that you returned home safe, alive, and in 1 piece.

I am forever grateful for that. And for the fact that you did that all for me.

God Bless you, and Thank You again.


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