Friday, March 22, 2013

Pretty in Pink

Dear Joe,

*Sigh*  There she is .... in all her Pink Glory. Such a sight to behold :) and she's mine mine ALL MINE!!!!

I cannot tell you how dang excited I was to get to Proof Lab to pick up my pretty pretty pink board...
I'm fairly certain my car was giving me the "stick" (finger if it had one) because I was driving it like I was Danica Patrick or some shit... I think I kept it at about 85mph. Pretty standard for me really.

No, I have not changed in that department.

On the way there, I passed by yet another eating establishment with your name on it. I will have to take a pic the next time I am out that way and post it for you.

Of course I had to scout out the Chick Sticks paraphernalia while I was there. I spotted 2 boards hanging from the ceiling there so of course I had to take a pic!

and another... backside.

I must say the customer service at Proof Lab is seriously AWESOME!

I think they are my new favorite surf shop. Think of the excitement level when you would take me to the John Deere store.. Yeah, that level.

I had a "moment" when they brought out and unveiled my board... a collective gasp was heard around the town of Marin... I just know it *giggle*

Though interestingly enough, I got a shit ton of compliments on the paint design (mostly mine, TYVM) and one of the guys there was saying "Pink is the new Black".

Such a sweetheart :)
*someone buy that man a Cadillac*

I got to take a few pics of the fins being put on and was even offered to be able to do them myself. Nope.. I will let the pros do it... I would screw it up or break them I fear.

I had fun today, can't you tell?

They even had one of Andy Irons' boards on display (last one on the right) and a signed jersey.
RIP Andy Irons
*a favorite pro surfer that had died a few years back*

Don't get me started about all the clothing and goodies to be found there!.... Lord Jesus bless me with a winning lottery ticket... Momma needs a new wardrobe

So how does one with a 2 door car get a surf board home?.... Kook Style! Through the sunroof hahahaha

Oh yeah.. they see me rollin... they laughing ;)

Actually, my board is small enough (barely) that I can lay it down in the front seat so I was pretty happy about that. No racks needed!

and the best part of being a part of Chick Sticks?....

Lola spoils you rotten! Just love that woman <3

OK.. I need to come down off my day glo surf wax induced high and settle in for the night.

And maybe cuddle up to my board while watching a movie... Would that be weird?

Like I care! HA!

I miss you. Always.


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