Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Forgive Thyself

A Native American Blessing

"Forgive yourself my friend, you didn't know any better at that time in your life. But now you do. Forgive yourself and walk with what you learned from your experiences in your life that were bad and be a stronger individual. You are strong and that is why creator gave you such pain to carry because others weren't ready to carry it. But that pain is temporary and light always shines around the next corner.

With prayers and blessings.

Thank you all for being who you are."

~ Mitakuye Oyasin

Dear Joe,

The above passage was something that I found on my Facebook this morning that resonated with me.

I have been seeing things of this nature for quite a while now actually, so I guess its a sign that I need to start doing that for myself.

Problem is, I don't know where to start or know how. Here's to hoping I find the answer to those questions soon.


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