Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lunch with The Duke

Today I treated myself to one of my favorite dishes.... Beef Wellington *yum*

I had lunch at the Duke of Edinburgh while I was in the area and seeing as I had time to spare, I couldn't pass it up.

There is only one other place that serves Beef Wellington that I know of and I am not about to drive 3-4 hours in order to have it for dinner. That's just nuts.
*Harris Ranch of course*

Anyway, the place was as I remembered it back in 2002... deep red velvet flocked wall paper, with matching red velvet curtains, dark green carpeting, and deep cherry red upholstery.
Sadly, the cushions were even the same... sagging in the same places so I literally was being eaten alive by the seat I was sitting in.

They still had European soccer playing on one TV screen and the BBC (my fav) on the other.
To my delight, the BBC had reruns of "Little Britain" YAY!
 Today's lunch was just what I needed after the last few weeks of non-stop drama and hell.

I'm kind of glad that this place is a bit far from where I live as I would get sooo FAT and go broke within seconds of getting my paycheck. Today set me back $35.00 but I'm not complaining... It was well worth every penny.

If I had to change anything today, I would have liked my old co-workers to have joined me as it would be a bi-monthly ritual for my group (5 people) to "have lunch with the Duke".
It did bring back a bit of nostalgic feelings for which I just smiled on the inside and thanked God for those moments spent with great people over great food.

Though I thought of you as well today while I was there. Of course it wasn't Harris Ranch, but every time we ate there I ordered the same thing... the Beef Wellington.

I really think you would like this place... if not for the Wellington, for the Fish & Chips. It's always a toss up when I come here which one to get.

Decisions, Decisions...

Until next time....


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