Tuesday, March 26, 2013


"The first degree of stupidity is to think only of the present and of bodily wants." - Voltaire

I am the first to admit I have made some dreadfully stupid decisions in my life.
 Sadly, a lot of them have to do with my choices with men.
 I have been the abused, and the abuser, more times than I care to recount. But I'm here now -- attempting to break the cycle by not giving in to the willy nilly of the moment, and focusing on what I want in my life for the long haul.

And so it makes it hard to see a friend making decisions that are pushing him down my same well-worn, destructive path. I tried every tactic I knew to try stop him, but I may as well have been trying to find a cure for cancer with only a Pez dispenser, a hawk feather, Magic 8 Ball, and a Slinky.
 It just wasn't happening.

Reminds me of a silly Facebook status I posted the other day:
Learning from your own mistakes is the biggest mistake you can make. Carefully observe the stupidity of others and learn from theirs instead. After all, there are plenty from which to choose!

Unfortunately, it's just a silly status update - we, for whatever reason, choose not to learn from others. We make our own mistakes. And just as I have made mine, and finally learned, so, too, shall he.
I hope. Before it's too late.


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